Let's make the academy better for science and better for our students, and let's make it better for free.
Want to learn how? I recommend a Open: The Philosophy and Practices that are Revolutionizing Education and Science, edited by Rajiv Jhangiani and Robert Biswas-Diener.
In the spirit of open resources, it is totally free.
In the spirit of open pedagogy and quick sharing of teaching ideas, I wrote a chapter for the book about how I've gone about sustaining a blog dedicated to teaching for the last four years. The basic message of my chapter: I blog about teaching, and you can, too! Here are all the chapters from the book:
Introduction to Open
Rajiv S. Jhangiani & Robert Biswas-DienerA Brief History of Open Educational Resources
M. Smith & T. J. BlissOpen Licensing and Open Education Licensing Policy
Cable GreenOpenness and the Transformation of Education and Schooling
David M. Monetti & William G. HuittWhat Can OER Do for Me? Evaluating the Claims for OER
Patrick McAndrew et al.Are OE Resources High Quality?
Regan A. R. GurungOpening Science
Brian A. NosekOpen Course Development at the OERu
Wayne MackintoshFrom OER to Open Pedagogy: Harnessing the Power of Open
Scott Robinson & Robin DeRosaOpening Up Higher Education with Screencasts
Addison Zhao & David B. MillerLibrarians in the Pursuit of Open Practices
Quill WestA Library Viewpoint: Exploring Open Educational Practices
Anita WalzHow to Open an Academic Department
Farhad DasturThe International Journal of Wellbeing: An Open Access Success Story
Aaron Jarden & Dan WeijersIterating Toward Openness: Lessons Learned on a Personal Journey
David WileyOpen-Source for Educational Materials Making Textbooks Cheaper and Better
Robert Biswas-Diener et al.Free is Not Enough
Daniel Williamson et al.The BC Open Textbook Project
Mary BurgessTeachPsychScience.org: Sharing to Improve the Teaching of Research Methods
Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr. et al.DIY Open Pedagogy: Freely Sharing Teaching Resources in Psychology
Jessica HartnettYou Can’t Sell Free, and Other OER Problems
Robert Biswas-DienerOpen as Default: The Future of Education and Scholarship
Rajiv S. Jhangiani
Thank you for sharing. Will make for good summer reading. Busy with papers, grading and finals soon.