Using manly beards to explain repeated measure/within subject design, interactions.

There are a lot of lessons in this one study (Craig, Nelson, & Dixson, 2019): Within subject design, factorial ANOVA and interactions,and data is available via OSF.

Let's begin:

TL: DR: The original study looked and the presence or absence of beards and whether or not this affected participants' ability to decode the emotional expression on a man's face.

Or, more eloquently:

TL: DR: Their stimuli were pictures of the same dudes with and without beards. And those weren't just any dudes, they had been trained in the Ekman facial coding system as to make distinct expressions.


One participant, rating the same man in Bearded vs. Non-bearded condition, provides a clear example of within subject research design.

This article also provides examples of interactions and two-way ANOVA. Here look at aggression ratings for expressing (happy v. angry) and face hairiness (clean-shaven v. beard). Look at that bearded face interaction! Bearded guys are rated as more masculine for both happy and angry faces.

Finally, take a look at the data yourself. OSF, y'all:
