You have to walk before you can run, right? The basics we teach in Psych Stats help our students walk, but they are not typical of published psychology research. It is difficult for Psych Stat instructors to find good examples of our analyses in recently published research (for an exception, check out Open Stats Lab).

A recent publication caught my eye because I love sending people mail (scroll down to find my list of recommended, envelope-friendly surprises). 

Liu, P. J., Rim, S., Min, L., & Min, K. E. (2022). The surprise of reaching out: Appreciated more than we think. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, No Pagination Specified-No Pagination Specified. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspi0000402

Spoiler alert: People love being surprised by mail. Like, more than the sender thinks the receiver will be surprised.

I was delighted to discover that this interesting paper consists of multiple studies that use what we teach in Psych Stats. Check out this article summary to gain a sense of just how many good Psych Stats examples are contained within. T-tests, factorial ANOVA, correlation...so much good stuff. AND it is an excellent example of the multiple-study papers typical of the field. AND the article discusses power and effect sizes. AND maybe it will get someone to send a card to someone else? 

NOTE: I do not have the data from the article, but I liked to use Andy Luttrell's website to generate data to my specification (M, SD), which includes creating data sets that mimick published findings. I will update this blog post as I make my own data sets that correspond with the results. 

WAIT! Andy Luttrell found the data! Thanks, Andy! 
