
Ben Blatt's "Bad Latitude" and "You Live in Alabama. Here’s How You’re Going to Die"

John Bohannon's "I fooled millions into thinking chocolate helps weight loss. Here's how."

Thomas B. Edsall's "How poor are the poor"?

Paul Basken's "When the Media Get Science Research Wrong, University PR May Be the Culprit"

Das and Biller's "11 most useless and misleading infographics on the internet"

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal and statistical thinking

Improper data reporting leads to big EPA fines for Kia/Hyundai

UPDATE: The Knot's Infographic: The National Average Cost of a Wedding is $28,427

Nature's "Policy: Twenty tips for interpreting scientific claims" by William J. Sutherland, David Spiegelhalter, & Mark Burgman

The Economist's "Unlikely Results"

r/skeptic's "I was practicing GraphPad and I think I may have discovered the 'real' cause of autism..."

US News's "Poll: 78 Percent of Young Women Approve of Weiner"

Gerd Gigerenzer on how the media interprets data/science

Cracked's "The five most popular ways statistics are used to lie to you"

Stats in the News: Bloomberg Data Privacy Breach

Media Matter's "Today in dishonest Fox News charts"

io9's "You're bitching about the wrong things when you read an article about science"

Newsweek's "About 40 percent of American women have had abortions: The math behind the stats"