
An interactive that gets your students thinking about medians, percentiles, and their own sleeping habits.

Why do post-partum women see faces everywhere?

Chi-square example via dancing, empathetic babies

Using The Onion to teach t-tests

I've tracked all my son's first words since birth [OC]

DeBold & Friedman's "Battling Infectious Diseases in the 20th Century: The Impact of Vaccines"

Collin's "America’s most prolific wall punchers, charted"

Hyperbole and a Half's "Boyfriend doesn't have ebola. Probably. "

Harris' "How Big A Risk Is Acetaminophen During Pregnancy?"

NPR series on Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

Totilo's "Antonin Scalia's landmark defense of violent video games"

Oster's "Everybody Calm Down About Breastfeeding"

U.S. Holocaust Mueseum's "Deadly medicine, creating the master race" traveling exhibit

ANOVA example using Patty Neighmond's "To ease pain, reach for your play list."

Richard Harris' "Why Are More Baby Boys Born Than Girls?"

Using data to inform debate: Free-range parenting

Every baby knows the scientific method

Marketing towards children: Ethics and research

Jon Mueller's Correlation or Causation website

NPR's "In Pregnancy, What's Worse? Cigarettes Or The Nicotine Patch?"