
Conceptual ANOVA example using COVID treatment data

A quick NPR video describes random sampling in order to better understand the spread of COVID-19

Aschwanden's "Why We Still Don’t Know How Many NFL Players Have CTE"

A bunch of pediatricians swallowed Lego heads. You can use their research to teach the basics of research methods and stats.

Hausmann et al.'s Using Smartphone Crowdsourcing to Redefine Normal and Febrile Temperatures in Adults: Results from the Feverprints Study

Talking to your students about operationalizing and validating patient pain.

Wang's "What caused Texas' maternal death rate to skyrocket? Inaccurate data."

Moderation, esophageal cancer, and really hot tea.

Stein's, "Could probiotics protect kids from a downside of antibiotics?"

Teach t-tests via "Waiting to pick your baby's name raises the risk for medical mistakes"

Parents May Be Giving Their Children Too Much Medication, Study Finds

Collin's "America’s most prolific wall punchers, charted"

Dr. Barry Marshall as an example of Type II error.

NPR series on Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

Stein's "Is It Safe For Medical Residents To Work 30-Hour Shifts?"

Barry-Jester's "What A Bar Graph Can Tell Us About The Legionnaires’ Outbreak In New York" + CDC learning module

io9's "The Controversial Doctor Who Pioneered the Idea Of "Informed Consent""