
An interactive that gets your students thinking about medians, percentiles, and their own sleeping habits.

Explaining the median using a German game show.

Organizations sharing data in a way that is very accessible

The Economist: Election predictions, confidence intervals, and measures of central tedency.

Florida, COVID-19: If data and stats weren't important, Florida wouldn't lie about them.

My favorite real world stats examples: The ones that mislead with real data.

Crash Course: Statistics

Math With Bad Drawing's "Why Not to Trust Statistics"

Yau's "Divorce and Occupation"

Pew Research's "Growing Ideological Consistency"

u/dat data's "Why medians > averages [OC] "

Data USA

An example of when the median is more useful than the mean. Also, Bill Gates.

National Geographic's "Are you typical?"

Amanda Aronczyk's "Cancer Patients And Doctors Struggle To Predict Survival"

Pew Research's "Global views on morality"

Nate Silver and Allison McCann's "How to Tell Someone’s Age When All You Know Is Her Name"