
Bella the Waitress: A fun hypothesis testing example.

Ace's science fair project about Tom Brady: How to use as a class warm-up exercise

Science Friday's "Spot the real hypothesis"

Tessa Arias' "The Ultimate Guide to Chocolate Chip Cookies"

Geoff Cumming's "The New Statistics: Estimation and Research Integrity"

Nature's "Policy: Twenty tips for interpreting scientific claims" by William J. Sutherland, David Spiegelhalter, & Mark Burgman

NPR's "In Pregnancy, What's Worse? Cigarettes Or The Nicotine Patch?"

Changes in standards for data reporting in psychology journals

The Economist's "Unlikely Results"

"If the P is low, then the H0 must go"

Lesson plan: Posit Science and Hypothesis Testing's "Packages sealed with "Atheist" tape go missing 10x more often than controls"

Brett Keller's "An incredilby detailed super statistical Hunger Games survival analysis" via