
Bad data viz: The White House and a rogue y-axis

Ritchie and Weinersmith, explaining what is wrong with science.

Data controversies: A primer

The Knot's Real Wedding Study 2017

Geckoboard's "Data fallacies to avoid"

Stein's "Troubling History In Medical Research Still Fresh For Black Americans"

Compound Interest's "A Rought Guide to Spotting Bad Science"

Domonoske's "50 Years Ago, Sugar Industry Quietly Paid Scientists To Point Blame At Fat"

APA's "How to Be A Wise Consumer of Psychological Research"

Brenner's "These Hilariously Bad Graphs Are More Confusing Than Helpful"

Harris' "Reviews Of Medical Studies May Be Tainted By Funders' Influence"

Everything is fucked: The syllabus, by Sanjay Srivastava (with links to articles)

Carroll's "Sorry, There’s Nothing Magical About Breakfast"

Weinberg's "How One Study Produced a Bunch of Untrue Headlines About Tattoos Strengthening Your Immune System"

Science Friday's "Spot the real hypothesis"

Climate change deniers misrepresent data and get called out

How NOT to interpret confidence intervals/margins of error: Feel the Bern edition

Aschwanden's "Science is broken, it is just a hell of a lot harder than we give it credit for"

Mersereau's "Wunderground Uses Fox News Graphing Technique to Boast Forecast Skills"

One article (Kramer, Guillory, & Hancock, 2014), three stats/research methodology lessons