
Whataburger Index: Operationalizing power outages in hurricane ravaged Texas.

The Unstoppable Pop of Taylor Swift: Data visualizations, variable operationalization, and DATA DATA DATA

A simple tool operationalizes post-childbirth hemorrhaging and saves lives.

Bad credit scores as a predictor of dementia

Data collection via wearable technology

"You're wrong about" podcast and data about human trafficing

A bunch of pediatricians swallowed Lego heads. You can use their research to teach the basics of research methods and stats.

The Waffle House Index, a great example for creative measurement methods.

Talking to your students about operationalizing and validating patient pain.

Wilson's "Why Are There So Many Conflicting Numbers on Mass Shootings?"

Collin's "America’s most prolific wall punchers, charted"

Turner's "E Is For Empathy: Sesame Workshop Takes A Crack At Kindness" and the K is for Kindness survey.

Aschwanden's "Science is broken, it is just a hell of a lot harder than we give it credit for"

Thomas B. Edsall's "How poor are the poor"?