
Chi-square via The Onion's "Saying ‘Smells Okay’ Precedes 85% Of Foodborne Illnesses Annually"

Using The Onion to teach t-tests

The Onion's "Study: Giving Away “I Voted” Burger Instead Of Sticker Would Increase Voter Turnout By 80%"

The Onion's "Study finds those with deceased family members at high risk of dying themselves"

Public Religion Research Institute's “I Know What You Did Last Sunday” Finds Americans Significantly Inflate Religious Participation"

Marketing towards children: Ethics and research

The United Nation's "2013 World Happiness Report"

The Onion's "Son-Of-A-Bitch Mouse Solves Maze Researchers Spent Months Building"

The Onion's "Are tests biased against students who don't give a shit?"

The Onion's "Multiple stab wounds may be harmful to monkeys"

The Onion's "Pre-Game Coin Toss Makes Jacksonville Jaguars Realize Randomness Of Life"