
Full Discussion Board Idea #1: Repurposing gently-used, second-hand data during times of crisis

Statistical thinking: What data would you need to collect to disprove the predictive power of astrological signs?

Transforming your data: A historical example

Smart's "The differences in how CNN MSNBC & FOX cover the news"

Izadi's "Black Lives Matter and America’s long history of resisting civil rights protesters"

Sonnad and Collin's "10,000 words ranked according to their Trumpiness"

Daniel's "Where Slang Comes From"

Trendacosta's Mathematician Boldly Claims That Redshirts Don't Actually Die the Most on Star Trek

Daniel's "Most timeless songs of all time"

Our World in Data website

Kevin McIntyre's Open Stats Lab

Collin's "America’s most prolific wall punchers, charted"

Ben Schmidt's Gendered Language in Teacher Reviews

Davies' "Ted Cruz using firm that harvested data on millions of unwitting Facebook users"

Hickey's "The 20 Most Extreme Cases Of ‘The Book Was Better Than The Movie"

Correlation example using research study about reusable shopping bags/shopping habits

Dayna Evans "Do You Live in a "B@%$#" or a "F*%&" State? American Curses, Mapped"