
Kim Kardashinan-West, Buzzfeed, and Validity

Trendacosta's Mathematician Boldly Claims That Redshirts Don't Actually Die the Most on Star Trek

Hickey's "The 20 Most Extreme Cases Of ‘The Book Was Better Than The Movie"

Research Wahlberg

John Oliver and global climate change data

Priceonomic's Hipster Music Index

Matt Daniel's "The Largest Vocabulary in Hip Hop"

Kevin Wu's Graph TV

A.V. Club's "Shirley Manson takes BuzzFeed's "Which Alt-Rock Grrrl Are You?" quiz, discovers she's not herself"

"If the P is low, then the H0 must go"

Lesson Plan: The Hunger Games t-test review

Lord of the Rings Project's Statistics

Statistics Meme I

Jessie Spano's Caffeine Intake

Dilbert, 4/13/04

Businessweek's "Correlation or Causation?"

Stephen Colbert vs. Darryl Bem = effect size vs. statistical significance