
Why measures of variability matter: Average age of death in The Olden Days

The Economist: Election predictions, confidence intervals, and measures of central tedency.

Planet Money's The Modal American

Do Americans spend $18K/year on non-essentials?

A bunch of pediatricians swallowed Lego heads. You can use their research to teach the basics of research methods and stats.

The Knot's Real Wedding Study 2017

My favorite real world stats examples: The ones that mislead with real data.

Crash Course: Statistics

Math With Bad Drawing's "Why Not to Trust Statistics"

Annenberg Learner's "Against All Odds"

Chokshi's "How Much Weed Is in a Joint? Pot Experts Have a New Estimate"

If your students get the joke, they get statistics.

u/dat data's "Why medians > averages [OC] "

Anscombe's Quartet

An example of when the median is more useful than the mean. Also, Bill Gates.

Weber and Silverman's "Memo to Staff: Time to Lose a Few Pounds"

Improper data reporting leads to big EPA fines for Kia/Hyundai