
io9's "The Controversial Doctor Who Pioneered the Idea Of "Informed Consent""

SPSS Teaching Memes

Jon Mueller's Correlation or Causation website

Kevin Wu's Graph TV's Standard Normal Distribution Table

Washington Post's "What your beer says about your politics"

Hall vs. Florida: IQ, the death penalty, and margin of error (edited 5/27/14)

UPDATE: The Knot's Infographic: The National Average Cost of a Wedding is $28,427

Nature's "Policy: Twenty tips for interpreting scientific claims" by William J. Sutherland, David Spiegelhalter, & Mark Burgman

Baby Name Wizard's NameVoyager

NPR's "Will Afghan polling data help alleviate election fraud?"

A.V. Club's "Shirley Manson takes BuzzFeed's "Which Alt-Rock Grrrl Are You?" quiz, discovers she's not herself"

Anecdote is not the plural of data: Using humor and climate change to make a statistical point