
Amanda Aronczyk's "Cancer Patients And Doctors Struggle To Predict Survival"

Philip Bump's "How closely do members of congress align with the politics of their district? Pretty darn close."

Pew Research Center's "Major Gaps Between the Public, Scientists on Key Issues"

Anya Kamenetz's "The Past, Present, And Future of High-Stakes Testing"

Beyond SPSS (revised 2/13/2105)

Khan Academy's #youcanlearnanything

Chemi & Giorgi's "The Pay-for-Performance Myth"

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal and statistical thinking

Pew Research's "Global views on morality"

Emily Oster's "Don't take your vitamins"

Improper data reporting leads to big EPA fines for Kia/Hyundai

Justin Wolfers' "A Persuasive Chart Showing How Persuasive Charts Are"

Kristopher Magnusson's "Interpreting Cohen's d effect size"