Aschwanden's "Science is broken, it is just a hell of a lot harder than we give it credit for" on September 28, 2015 Center for Open Science discussion prompt interactive operationalized variables p-hacking p-value politics why statistics have a bad reputation +
Correlation example using research study about reusable shopping bags/shopping habits on September 21, 2015 archival data consumer psychology correlation data set ego depletion environment NPR +
Mersereau's "Wunderground Uses Fox News Graphing Technique to Boast Forecast Skills" on September 14, 2015 graphs and charts weather why statistics have a bad reputation +
Dayna Evans "Do You Live in a "B@%$#" or a "F*%&" State? American Curses, Mapped" on September 07, 2015 archival data maps swearing twitter z-score +