
Climate Central's The First Frost is Coming Later

Using the Global Terrorism Database's code book to teach levels of measurement, variable types

Compound Interest's "A Rought Guide to Spotting Bad Science"

Izadi's "Black Lives Matter and America’s long history of resisting civil rights protesters"

Yau's "Divorce and Occupation"

Teach t-tests via "Waiting to pick your baby's name raises the risk for medical mistakes"

Sonnad and Collin's "10,000 words ranked according to their Trumpiness"

The Economists' "Ride-hailing apps may help to curb drunk driving"

Kim Kardashinan-West, Buzzfeed, and Validity

Hickey's "The Ultimate Playlist Of Banned Wedding Songs"

de Frieze's "‘Replication grants’ will allow researchers to repeat nine influential studies that still raise questions"

Harris's "Scientists Are Not So Hot At Predicting Which Cancer Studies Will Succeed"