Geckoboard's "Data fallacies to avoid"

Geckoboard created a list of common statistical fallacies, including cherry picking, Simpson's paradox, gerrymandering, and many more.

Each fallacy comes with a brief description of the fallacy, references, a printable card for review/display, and drawing. They are kind of gorgeous and to the point and helpful.

Here is the downloadable card for the Regression Toward the Mean:

They even present all of their graphics as a free, downloadable poster.

My only peeve is that they use the term "Data Dredging" where I would have said "HARKing" or "Going on a fishing expedition". And that is just the tiniest of peeves, I think this is a good check list filled with images and concise descriptions that would look beautiful in a college professor's office, a stats class room, or anonymously sent to you Facebook friends who is ALWAYS posting politically charged examples of one of these fallacies. I dare you.
