The Tonight Show: Nick Jonas scores as Joe Jonas on Buzzfeed quiz.

Explain validity to your students AND earn some "I'm still hip!" street cred using this The Tonight Show clip that features a Buzzfeed quiz AND exactly one Jonas brother.

Nick Jonas took a "Which Jonas Brother are you?" Buzzfeed quiz. He scores as Joe Jonas. Ergo, the Buzzfeed assessment measure is not valid. It does not properly assess what it purports to assess. Watch the video for yourself.

If you want to take this example a step further, you could have your students take the original quiz, discuss the questions and their ability to discern which Jonas Brother is which, you could describe Nick Jonas as a Nick Jonas Subject Matter Expert, maybe Social Desirability got in the way of Nick answering the questions honestly, etc.

Another thing I've noticed as my blog and I have aged together: There are now generations of Buzzfeed quiz assessments that provide great examples for different age groups:

Gen X: Shirley Manson did not score as Shirley Manson.
Gen Y: Kim Kardashian scored as Chrissy Teigan.
