Pretty Stats Stock Images

Have you ever looked through stock images for data and statistics? They are fine. They aren't great, they aren't awful, they are just fine. Like, they either look like something from The Matrix:

Or like statisticians are magicians:

Some images are a combination of the first two, with a statistician-magician freeing himself from The Matrix:

Again, they aren't terrible but they aren't beautiful. 

Lucky for you, I'm a magpie collecting interesting statistical things, including interesting statistics/data images accompanying news stories.

Many talented artists have created beautiful, abstract stats images to accompany their articles. They look very nice as a background on a PowerPoint, an opening page on Blackboard, or an image on a syllabus. Here are some of my favorites. I've included citations or where I found the images where I can and plan to reverse Google search the rest someday. Needless to say, I created none of this.

Various types of graph in behind a telescope

by Rayomond Biesinger,

Getty Images, TCmake_photo
HBR Staff/MirageC/Getty Images

Beatrix Boros/ Stocksy

Getty Images statsy photo
iStock/Getty Images

An image expressing a metaphor for data analysis.
Found at:

Found at:

I think this looks like a confidence interval
Illustrator: Paul Blow
