Bad data viz: The White House and a rogue y-axis

 My favorite examples of bad data visualizations are the ones that use accurate data that was actually collected through seemingly ethical means but totally malign the data. The numbers are correct, the data viz is...not very truthy (I'm looking at you, Florida.)

Especially when you mess up the data viz in a way that appears to be deliberate AND doesn't really strengthen your point.

I'm also looking at you, The White House. Here is a story of a deliberate but pointless massaging of a y-axis. A story in Three Tweets.

1. The Biden Administration is doing a good job of encouraging economic growth, right? Take a gander at this bar graph. 2021 was a success...just look at the chart. 

2. BUT WAIT. What's this? That y-axis is shady. I...just can't think of any software/glitch that could make this mistake by accident. ALSO: If you like Twitter, follow Graph Crimes. 

3. The White House issues a correction featuring a pretty good data put, I would say. 

