Brett Keller's "An incredilby detailed super statistical Hunger Games survival analysis" via

Sometimes I think I'm a big nerd. Then I read about an even bigger nerd and I feel better about myself because I'm less nerdy but then worse about myself because I'm not as hard core as I once thought I was. Especially when their nerd focus is on 1)statistics and 2) The Hunger Games.

Once such person is Brett Keller, who gleaned data about the tributes from The Hunger Games series in order to perform a survival analysis on the participants of the hunger games. What?!?! I know! He performed a chi square to determine whether or not Tribute selection was rigged (it doesn't appear to be). He also performed a number of survival analyses to study the factors linked to winning The Game.

And he provides his data via Google documents so we can do our own analyses!

He even conducted a literature review which contains references/links to other scholarly works about The Hunger Games. </stops geeking out>
