
r/faux_pseudo's "Distribution of particles by size from a Cracker Jack box

Orlin's "What does probability mean in your profession?"

Barry-Jester's "What A Bar Graph Can Tell Us About The Legionnaires’ Outbreak In New York" + CDC learning module

U.S. Holocaust Mueseum's "Deadly medicine, creating the master race" traveling exhibit

An example of when the median is more useful than the mean. Also, Bill Gates.

How NOT to interpret confidence intervals/margins of error: Feel the Bern edition

Aschwanden's "Science is broken, it is just a hell of a lot harder than we give it credit for"

Correlation example using research study about reusable shopping bags/shopping habits

Mersereau's "Wunderground Uses Fox News Graphing Technique to Boast Forecast Skills"

Dayna Evans "Do You Live in a "B@%$#" or a "F*%&" State? American Curses, Mapped"

Caitlin Dickerson's "Secret World War II Chemical Experiments Tested Troops By Race"

McFadden's "Frances Oldham Kelsey, F.D.A. Stickler Who Saved U.S. Babies From Thalidomide, Dies at 101"

ANOVA example using Patty Neighmond's "To ease pain, reach for your play list."