
Statistics/RM videos from The Economist

Explaining between and within group differences using Pew Research data on religion/climate change

Stein's "Is It Safe For Medical Residents To Work 30-Hour Shifts?"

Oster's "Everybody Calm Down About Breastfeeding"

Hickey's "The 20 Most Extreme Cases Of ‘The Book Was Better Than The Movie"

Esther Inglis-Arkell's "I Had My Brain Monitored While Looking at Gory Pictures. For Science!"

"Guess the Correlation" game

Free, statsy resources available from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology

Explaining the replication crisis to undergraduates's Football Freakanomics

Neighmond's "Why is mammogram advice still such a tangle? Ask your doctor."

Come work with me.

Smith's "Rutgers survey underscores challenges collecting sexual assault data."