Great Tweets about Statistics

I've shared these on my Twitter feed, and in a previous blog post dedicated to stats funnies. However,  I decided it would be useful to have a dedicated, occasionally updated blog post devoted to Twitter Statistics Comedy Gold.

How to use in class? If your students get the joke, they get a stats concept.

*Aside: I know I could have embedded these Tweets, but I decided to make my life easier by using screenshots.

How NOT to write a response option. 

Real life inter-rater reliability
Scale Development

Alright, technically not Twitter, but I am thrilled to make an exception for this clever, clever costume:

This whole thread is awesome...

Randomness is tricky! And not random!

Click through to see the wonderful video!!

mean, median, measures of central tendency

significance, power

Bayes Theorem

graphs and charts, Halloween

quantitative, qualitative

p-values in real life

GLM for the win
Excel, data formatting



SMBC comic



