Online Day 6: One-way ANOVA example

I hope everyone is hanging in there.

Here is a pretty straight forward one-way ANOVA example that is interactive, based on for-real personality psychology research, and interesting. I blogged about this previously but whipped up a Google Slideshow you can download and edit to suit your own teaching. Also, I uploaded data that you can use with your students. 


A bunch of researchers gave the NEO to 1.5 million Americans to determine if different regions of the US have different personality trends (see research here). 

Original Study
They do.

Then Time magazine reported on the study. And the scicomm was beautiful. They accurately described the research AND created a fun interactive portion in which you students can take the NEO-Short Form and be matched with the state that best matches their personality (Hi, I am West Virginia because I'm high in neuroticism and low in openness to new experiences, which are great qualities to have during a pandemic).

Good SciComm from Time Magazine
They shared their data. I turned it into a CSV and an XLSX for you. My version of their data includes a Region column, which divides the state data into four regions recognized by the US Census Bureau: South, West, Northeast, Mideast. So, this is a departure from the original research which found three regions through...not ANOVAs. But still, the data works as an ANOVA.


  1. This is a good data set for a simple cluster analysis as well. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you! this will make a fun end-of-the semester class


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