Xkcd is a gift to Statisitcs instructors. Author Randall Monroe shares his humor and statistics knowledge. I think that many of his comics can be used
as extra credit points, in that you don't get the joke unless you get the conceptual statistical knowledge behind the joke.
NOTE: I have included images here, but you really, really should go to the original comics and cursor over for the messages to view the alternative text.
NOTE TWO: This is not a comprehensive list but I will try to update it as Monroe shares more comics.
To teach APA formatting:
https://xkcd.com/833/ |
To explain sufficient sample size in research:
https://xkcd.com/507/ |
To explain good statistics manners/how to appropriately ask for stats help:
https://m.xkcd.com/2116/ |
To explain error bars:
https://xkcd.com/2110/ |
T-test and the t-curve:
https://xkcd.com/2110/ |
Linear relationships:
https://xkcd.com/605/ |
The Normal Curve:
https://xkcd.com/2118/ |
Cherry picking, p-hacking, and other statistical ills:
https://xkcd.com/1781/ |
Line fitting:
https://xkcd.com/2048/ |
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