Gleaned from multiple sources (FB, Pinterest, Twitter, none of these belong to me, etc.). Remember, if your students can explain why a stats funny is funny, they are demonstrating statistical knowledge. I like to ask students to explain the humor in such examples for extra credit points (see below for an example from my FA14 final exam).
Using for bonus points/assessing if students understand that correlation =/= causation |
What are the numerical thresholds for probability?
How does this refer to alpha? What type of error is being described, Type I or Type II?
What measure of central tendency is being described?
Dilbert: |
Sampling, CLT
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Because control vs. sample, standard deviations, normal curves. Also,"skewed" pun.
If you go to the original website, the story behind this cakes has to do with a section of crappy that is kind of funny and therapeutic for us teachers.
NOTE: The website the cake example comes from contains a lot of NSFW language. Which I, personally, have no problem with, but you might.
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Because bar graphs, error bars, and understanding the joke behind this graph.
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What kind of error, Type I or Type II?
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Reliability, n-size
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What does correlation give us? What does it not?
What does the r^2 here indicate? Why would it be difficult to guess the direction of the relationship?
What is the joke here? For more rigor: What does et al. stand for? What are the APA rules for when to use et al.?
Tuesday's are better with Jess. No bias here!