
Statistics/RM videos from The Economist's Football Freakanomics

"Correlation is not causation", Parts 1 and 2

TED talks about statistics and research methods

National Geographic's "Are you typical?"

Improper data reporting leads to big EPA fines for Kia/Hyundai

Geoff Cumming's "The New Statistics: Estimation and Research Integrity" TED video + assessment + discussion board

John Oliver and global climate change data

Marketing towards children: Ethics and research

Washington Post's "What your beer says about your politics"

Washington Posts's "GAO says there is no evidence that a TSA program to spot terrorists is effective" (Update: 3/25/15)

The New York Times "As ‘Normal’ as Rabbits’ Weights and Dragons’ Wings"

Joshua Katz's visualizations of American dialect data (edited 11/30)

Gerd Gigerenzer on how the media interprets data/science

Khan Academy's Central Limit Theorem

The Onion's "Are tests biased against students who don't give a shit?"

The Onion's "Multiple stab wounds may be harmful to monkeys"

The Onion's "Pre-Game Coin Toss Makes Jacksonville Jaguars Realize Randomness Of Life"

Stephen Colbert vs. Darryl Bem = effect size vs. statistical significance