
The United Nation's "2013 World Happiness Report"

The Economist's "Unlikely Results"

The Atlantic's "Congratulations, Ohio! You Are the Sweariest State in the Union"

Washington Posts's "GAO says there is no evidence that a TSA program to spot terrorists is effective" (Update: 3/25/15)

The New York Times "As ‘Normal’ as Rabbits’ Weights and Dragons’ Wings"

Burr Settles's "On “Geek” Versus “Nerd”"

Joshua Katz's visualizations of American dialect data (edited 11/30)

The LoveStats Blog's Research Memes

The Onion's "Son-Of-A-Bitch Mouse Solves Maze Researchers Spent Months Building"

Stats Meme III

"If the P is low, then the H0 must go"

Lesson Plan: SIDS and plagioencephaly

io9's "Rich, educated westerners could be skewing social science studies"