
Sampling bias example via NASA, Pew Research Center, and Twitter

The Washington Post's "The coronavirus pandemic and loss of aircraft data are taking a toll on weather forecasting"

Using the GroupMe App to encourage syncronous and asyncronous conversations with distant learners

NYT's "Is It Safer to Visit a Coffee Shop or a Gym?"

A quick NPR video describes random sampling in order to better understand the spread of COVID-19

Online Day ?: Predicting the age of Dennis Quaid's hypothetical fifth wife.

Online Day 7: Chi-Square Examples

Online Day 6: One-way ANOVA example

Data distribution shapes via 1918 Flu Pandemic mortality distributions

Online Day 2: Using Mythbusters to review t-test research designs

Online Day 1: Ask your students to collect and analyze data from their FB friends

PsiChiR: A new contest to help you and your students learn R

FREE STP Book: "For the love of teaching undergraduate statistics"