
The United Nation's "2013 World Happiness Report"

The Economist's "Unlikely Results"

The Atlantic's "Congratulations, Ohio! You Are the Sweariest State in the Union"

Washington Posts's "GAO says there is no evidence that a TSA program to spot terrorists is effective" (Update: 3/25/15)

The New York Times "As ‘Normal’ as Rabbits’ Weights and Dragons’ Wings"

Burr Settles's "On “Geek” Versus “Nerd”"

Joshua Katz's visualizations of American dialect data (edited 11/30)

The LoveStats Blog's Research Memes

The Onion's "Son-Of-A-Bitch Mouse Solves Maze Researchers Spent Months Building"

Stats Meme III

"If the P is low, then the H0 must go"

Lesson Plan: SIDS and plagioencephaly

io9's "Rich, educated westerners could be skewing social science studies"

Lesson Plan: The Hunger Games t-test review

io9's "New statistics on lightning deaths in the U.S. reveal weird patterns"

Northwestern Mutual's "The Longevity Game"

r/skeptic's "I was practicing GraphPad and I think I may have discovered the 'real' cause of autism..."

The Colbert Report's "Texas Gun Training Bill & Free Shotgun Experiment"

University of Cambridge's Facebook Research

Geert Hofstede's website

Meme III

US News's "Poll: 78 Percent of Young Women Approve of Weiner"

Statistics and Pennsylvania's Voter ID Law

Gerd Gigerenzer on how the media interprets data/science

Lesson plan: Posit Science and Hypothesis Testing

Lord of the Rings Project's Statistics

Khan Academy's Central Limit Theorem

Andy Field's Statistics Hell

Cracked's "The five most popular ways statistics are used to lie to you"

Lesson plan: Teaching margin of error and confidence intervals via political polling

Jon Mueller's CROW website

xkcd's "Correlation"

Discover Magazine's "If a baby can do statistics you have no excuse"

Normal vs. Paranormal Distribution

Stats in the News: Bloomberg Data Privacy Breach

xkcd's "Convincing"'s "Packages sealed with "Atheist" tape go missing 10x more often than controls"

Jess Hagy's "This is Indexed"

Statistics Meme 2

Shameless self-promotion

Media Matter's "Today in dishonest Fox News charts"

io9's "You're bitching about the wrong things when you read an article about science"

Newsweek's "What should you really be afraid of?" Update 6/18/15

The Onion's "Are tests biased against students who don't give a shit?"

Franz H. Messerli's "Chocolate consumption, cognitive function, and Nobel Laureates"