
Use this caffeine study to teach repeated measure design, ANOVA, etc.

Marc Rummy/Flowingdata illustration of base rate fallacy as it applies to breakthrough infections

Chi-square example involving American's beliefs about vampires. Seriously.

OmniCalculator statistics calculator collection

Descriptive data example (and more) from Crisis Text Hotline

How to unsuccessfully defend your brand using crap data: A primer

Halloween-related stats humor, presented via Google Slides

That Amazon review for the Pure Drink water bowl

Three minutes example of within-subject design, applied research, and ecological validity. Also, you could use it as an excuse to play German club music before class?

Resources for creating an accessible Stats class

Google Dataset search engine

Interpreting effect sizes: An Olympic-sized metaphor

Women's pockets are crap: An empirical investigation

Teaching your students about bias in statistics

My interview on the Psych Sessions podcast

9% of Americans think they could beat a crocodile in a fight. What?

The Society for the Teaching of Psychology: Stats Resources

Teaching of Statistics in Psychology: Keynote Address

Dr. Morton Anne Gernsbacher's online Intro to Stats class

Explaining log v. linear data visualization, using customizable COVID data charts

Seven mini-stats lessons, crammed into nine minutes.

Statsystem Stat Memes

One sample t-tests, puppies, real data.

Conceptual ANOVA example using COVID treatment data

Ritchie and Weinersmith, explaining what is wrong with science.

Flowingdata's Car Costs vs. Emissions story

SPSP 2021 Key Note Address

Chi-square Test of Independence using CNN exit polling data