Daves know more Daves: A independent t-test example from Reddit

This is a beautiful story from Reddit, with a very kind Redditor, Higgnenbottoms/Quoc Tran, who shared his data with all of us, so we can use this as an example of a) independent t-tests, b) violin plots, AND R. 

So, user r/quoctran98 wanted to know if Daves knew more Daves than non-Daves do. HA! He started by collecting data from r/samplesize.  Do you all know about that subreddit, where you can post a survey and see who responds? You're welcome.

Anyway, Quoc analyzed his data AND created a violin plot to illustrate his data. He shared it at r/dataisbeautiful, which is another excellent stats subreddit. See below. AND...here is the kicker...I contacted Quoc, and he shared his data (so your students can run their t-tests) AND his R code. I cleaned up his data a bit to provide the same results as the graph above (he had someone report that they knew 69 Daves. I mean, he collected the data from Reddit users.).
