
Burr Settles's "On “Geek” Versus “Nerd”"

Joshua Katz's visualizations of American dialect data (edited 11/30)

The LoveStats Blog's Research Memes

The Onion's "Son-Of-A-Bitch Mouse Solves Maze Researchers Spent Months Building"

Stats Meme III

"If the P is low, then the H0 must go"

Lesson Plan: SIDS and plagioencephaly

io9's "Rich, educated westerners could be skewing social science studies"

Lesson Plan: The Hunger Games t-test review

io9's "New statistics on lightning deaths in the U.S. reveal weird patterns"

Northwestern Mutual's "The Longevity Game"

r/skeptic's "I was practicing GraphPad and I think I may have discovered the 'real' cause of autism..."

The Colbert Report's "Texas Gun Training Bill & Free Shotgun Experiment"