
Why measures of variability matter: Average age of death in The Olden Days

Correlation example: Taco Bell and mortality by state...don't run for the border!

Adam Ruben's How to Read a Scientific Paper

JAMA visual abstracts: A great way to illustrate basic inferential tests

Use this caffeine study to teach repeated measure design, ANOVA, etc.

Marc Rummy/Flowingdata illustration of base rate fallacy as it applies to breakthrough infections

Chi-square example involving American's beliefs about vampires. Seriously.

OmniCalculator statistics calculator collection

Descriptive data example (and more) from Crisis Text Hotline

How to unsuccessfully defend your brand using crap data: A primer

Halloween-related stats humor, presented via Google Slides

That Amazon review for the Pure Drink water bowl

Three minutes example of within-subject design, applied research, and ecological validity. Also, you could use it as an excuse to play German club music before class?