
Data USA

Rich, Cox, and Bloch's "Money, Race and Success: How Your School District Compares"

Ben Schmidt's Gendered Language in Teacher Reviews

Pew Research Center's "The strong relationship between per capita income and internet access, smartphone ownership"

Dr. Mages' "APA Exposed: Everything you wanted to know about APA formatting but were afraid to ask."

"Guess the Correlation" game's Football Freakanomics

Barry-Jester, Casselman, & Goldstein's "Should prison sentences be based on crimes that haven't been committed yet?"

Barry-Jester's "What A Bar Graph Can Tell Us About The Legionnaires’ Outbreak In New York" + CDC learning module

U.S. Holocaust Mueseum's "Deadly medicine, creating the master race" traveling exhibit

Aschwanden's "Science is broken, it is just a hell of a lot harder than we give it credit for"

Kristopher Magnusson's "Understanding the t-distribution and its normal approximation"

Free online research ethics training

TED talks about statistics and research methods

Chris Wilson's "Find out what your name would be if you were born today"

Pew Research Center's "Major Gaps Between the Public, Scientists on Key Issues"

Khan Academy's #youcanlearnanything

Chemi & Giorgi's "The Pay-for-Performance Myth"

Pew Research's "Global views on morality"

Kristopher Magnusson's "Interpreting Cohen's d effect size"