
Interactive NYC commuting data illustrates distribution of the sampling mean, median

Snake Oil Superfoods by InformationIsBeautiful

McBee's "Sampling distribution under H0 and critical values"

Chase's "How does rent compare to income in each US metropolitan area?"'s Least Squared Error calculator

Dozen of interactive stats demos from @artofstat

"Draw My Data" and a bunch of other stuff for teaching correlation.

Climate Central's The First Frost is Coming Later

Yau's "Divorce and Occupation"

Sonnad and Collin's "10,000 words ranked according to their Trumpiness"

Chris Wilson's "The Ultimate Harry Potter Quiz: Find Out Which House You Truly Belong In"

Daniel's "Most timeless songs of all time"

Our World in Data website

Wilson's "Find Out What Your British Name Would Be"

Johnson & Wilson's The 13 High-Paying Jobs You Don’t Want to Have

Pew Research's "The art and science of the scatterplot"

Pew Research's "Growing Ideological Consistency"

Kristoffer Magnusson's "Interpreting Confidence Intervals"

Matt, Rali & Rhonda's Statistical Test Flowchart.

Wilson's "America’s Mood Map: An Interactive Guide to the United States of Attitude"