
Can we use Instagram to estimate happiness at universities?

Are short, bitter people actually more likely to be psychopaths? Start with the click bait, end with the science.

Reading a statistical table is like reading those BAL tables your Uni passes out during Orientation Week.

Multiverse = multiple correlation and regression examples!

Using data about antidepressant efficacy to illustrate Cohen's d, demonstrate why you need a control group, talk about interactions.

A fast, interactive example for explaining what we mean when we talk about "training" AI/ML

Use recent gel nail:cancer headlines to discuss research design

Bad credit scores as a predictor of dementia

Suicide hotline efficacy data: Assessment, descriptive data, t-tests, correlation, regression examples abound

Our World in Data's deep dive into human height. Examples abound.

Caffeine and Calories: An example of a non-linear relationship

The Pudding's Words Against Strangers: A way to break up your z-score lecture.

YEET!, or why you should always check your scatter plot