
Hancock's "Skip The Math: Researchers Paint A Picture Of Health Benefits And Risks"

Pew Research's "The art and science of the scatterplot"

Pew Research's "Growing Ideological Consistency"

Dr. Barry Marshall as an example of Type II error.

Hyperbole and a Half's "Boyfriend doesn't have ebola. Probably. "

If your students get the joke, they get statistics.

xkcd's Linear Regression

Kristoffer Magnusson's "Interpreting Confidence Intervals"

Matt, Rali & Rhonda's Statistical Test Flowchart.

Everything is fucked: The syllabus, by Sanjay Srivastava (with links to articles)

Harris' "How Big A Risk Is Acetaminophen During Pregnancy?"

Ahn Le's "Gotta plot ‘em all!"

u/dat data's "Why medians > averages [OC] "