
Ingraham's "Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit more crime"

Press Roger's statistics infographics

Dozen of interactive stats demos from @artofstat

NY Magazine's "Finally, Here’s the Truth About Double Dipping"

Parents May Be Giving Their Children Too Much Medication, Study Finds

Ben Schmidt's Gendered Language in Teacher Reviews

Explaining between and within group differences using Pew Research data on religion/climate change

ANOVA example using Patty Neighmond's "To ease pain, reach for your play list."

UCLA's "What statistical analysis should I use?"

Slate & Rojas-LeBouef's "Presenting and Communicating Your Statistical Findings: Model Writeups"

SPSS Teaching Memes

Andy Field's Statistics Hell

Shameless self-promotion

U. Washington's Psychology Writing Center's "Reporting Results of Common Statistical Tests in APA Format"

Dataset Generator from Dr. Richard Landers