
Improper data reporting leads to big EPA fines for Kia/Hyundai

Tessa Arias' "The Ultimate Guide to Chocolate Chip Cookies"

Patti Neighmond's "What is making us fat: Is it too much food or moving to little?" TED video + assessment + discussion board

Every baby knows the scientific method

Public Religion Research Institute's “I Know What You Did Last Sunday” Finds Americans Significantly Inflate Religious Participation"

Marketing towards children: Ethics and research

io9's "The Controversial Doctor Who Pioneered the Idea Of "Informed Consent""

Jon Mueller's Correlation or Causation website

Nature's "Policy: Twenty tips for interpreting scientific claims" by William J. Sutherland, David Spiegelhalter, & Mark Burgman

NPR's "Will Afghan polling data help alleviate election fraud?"

Changes in standards for data reporting in psychology journals

The Economist's "Unlikely Results"

The Onion's "Son-Of-A-Bitch Mouse Solves Maze Researchers Spent Months Building"

io9's "Rich, educated westerners could be skewing social science studies"

The Colbert Report's "Texas Gun Training Bill & Free Shotgun Experiment"

Lesson plan: Posit Science and Hypothesis Testing

Jon Mueller's CROW website's "Packages sealed with "Atheist" tape go missing 10x more often than controls"

Statistics Meme I