
Statistics Meme I

U. Washington's Psychology Writing Center's "Reporting Results of Common Statistical Tests in APA Format"

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Jessie Spano's Caffeine Intake

PHD Comics, 1/20/2010

Brett Keller's "An incredilby detailed super statistical Hunger Games survival analysis" via

Newsweek's "About 40 percent of American women have had abortions: The math behind the stats"'s "Boyfriend"

The Onion's "Multiple stab wounds may be harmful to monkeys"

CBS News/New York Times' Poll: Gays in the Military

Dataset Generator from Dr. Richard Landers's "Significant"

Hunks of Statistics: Sharon Begley

Dilbert, 4/13/04

The Onion's "Pre-Game Coin Toss Makes Jacksonville Jaguars Realize Randomness Of Life"

CNN's History of the Super Bowl: By the numbers

Naussicaa Distributions on Etsy

Dunkin' Donuts' "Which profession drinks the most coffee?"

NPR's "Data linking aspartame to cancer risk are too weak to defend, hospital says"

Businessweek's "Correlation or Causation?"

Stephen Colbert vs. Darryl Bem = effect size vs. statistical significance

Hyperbole and a Half's "Boyfriend doesn't have Ebola. Probably."

BBC's "Your Olympic athlete body match"